
每張卡片上都有一個 QR 碼,玩家可以掃描以獲得“懲罰”。玩家輪流抽取卡片並完成挑戰。


  1. 1.輪流進行:玩家輪流從牌堆中抽取一張卡片。
  2. 2.掃描 QR 碼:抽到卡片後,玩家掃描卡片上的 QR 碼。
  3. 3.完成懲罰:每個 QR 碼將鏈接到一個懲罰,玩家必須完成。
  4. 4.鼓勵創意:玩家可以在完成懲罰時發揮創意!
  5. 5.遊戲結束:遊戲持續進行,直到所有卡片都被抽取或玩家決定停止。


Game Overview

Each card features a QR code that players can scan to reveal a "punishment." Players take turns drawing cards and completing the challenges.


  1. 1. Taking Turns: Players take turns drawing one card from the deck.
  2. 2. Scan the QR Code: After drawing a card, the player scans the QR code on the card.
  3. 3. Complete the Punishment: Each QR code will link to a punishment that the player must complete.
  4. 4. Encourage Creativity: Players can be creative in how they complete their punishments!
  5. 5. End of Game: The game continues until all cards have been drawn or players decide to stop.

Ensure you have drinks available for everyone! 😎

PM-LEG-24-120909 Dec 2024